Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bowling Memories

Grandma Vela and Abby


Stormy's volley skills are amazing, she was in a "volley" match of 4 passes going back and forth!
Cumorah's serving skills have improved out or she'll Ace you!

Team Jacob

For any who know me you know how much I love to read. Yes I think the Twilight Saga is wonderful. If you haven't read it you truly are missing out. It is just fun. I went on OPENING day to see the New Moon movie. Kristel S. and I had been talking about it for a while...obsessively would be a nice way to say it. We were lucky our hubbies decided to "take us" to the 12:30 pm showing....yup Shilo even took off of work for me! Truly I'm loved. Now that that is finished I can focus on our next MAJOR event...Christmas

Monday, November 9, 2009


Do you want to see our gang play? Here is the schedule:
11/14 Eli 9am
Girls 12:15 pm
E 2 pm
11/21 Girls 9
Eli 10 & 11:30
E 2 & 4
12/5 Girls 8 & 8:45

Fantastic Fall

Carving Pumpkins for FHE was a definite Success!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dancing King?

Yup, Eli is a very good dancer, but notso great soccer player. I take that back he made one goal this year, true it was for the other team, but he sure was excited! All the people in the stands love watching him dance. As a "Tiger Shark" you'd think he'd be a little scarier than his hip thrusts, but alas, he is a lover not a fighter (a little like his dad huh? ;o

Go Ethan

Ethan is having a blast in Soccer. His team is the Green Hornets...buzzzzz. They sure are mighty! I must admit my little E sure is fast, as a first year player you sure can't tell! He loves playing DEFENDER, (goalie. without using hands)

The Crazy Calendar

Have you ever looked at your calendar and thought wow, I must be crazy to think that we could or should do all of this? That is pretty much how the Monney's next three weekends are looking. I must admit when we signed up for sports and then coaching I really wasn't looking to what the future would be like. However, it sure is fun to cheer you little ones on.
Ethan is in soccer and is 4-0...his is the only team we are not coaching
Elijah is in soccer and is 2-2...Shi is coaching
Stormy and Cumorah have their first volleyball game this Saturday...I am their coach.
It is fun, but very time consuming, but I guess the good news is we aren't sitting at home watching TV :)